How Much to Charge for Lawn Care – Pricing Chart

March 29, 2023
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Are you thinking about starting a lawn care business or looking to adjust your current pricing strategy? Figuring out how much to charge for lawn care can be a daunting task. In this article, we'll break down the factors that affect pricing, explore different pricing strategies, and provide tips for determining the perfect rate for your services. Let's dive in!

Factors Affecting Lawn Care Pricing

Size of the Lawn

The size of a client's lawn plays a significant role in determining how much to charge for lawn care. Generally, larger lawns require more time, effort, and resources, which means higher prices. Your pricing strategy also plays a role which we discuss below.
Man on red mower using Lawn Care Pricing Chart


Where your business operates can also influence your pricing. If you're in an area with higher living costs, you may need to charge more to cover your expenses. Additionally, consider how far you have to travel to reach your clients, as this can affect your fuel and transportation costs.

Type of Service

The specific services you offer can greatly impact pricing. Basics like mowing and edging typically cost less than more specialized work such as fertilization, aeration, or landscaping.

Frequency of Service

How often you provide services to a client can affect your pricing. Regularly scheduled service may be priced differently than one-time or on-demand.
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Pricing Strategies

Flat Rate

A flat rate pricing strategy involves charging a fixed price for a particular service, regardless of the time or effort involved. This can be attractive to clients because it offers predictability, but it may not always account for variations in lawn size or complexity.

Hourly Rate

Charging an hourly rate means you'll bill clients based on the amount of time it takes to complete the service. This method can be fairer to both you and your clients, as it accounts for the actual work involved. However, it can be more difficult for clients to predict the final cost.
How Much to Charge for Lawn Care

Per-Square-Foot Rate

Another option is to charge clients based on the size of their lawn, using a per-square-foot rate. This strategy can be beneficial because it directly correlates the price with the work required, but it may require more administrative work to measure each lawn accurately.

Lawn Care Pricing Chart

Note: Prices may vary based on property size, lawn condition, and specific client requirements. The following prices are based on an average-sized yard (up to 1/4 acre) and standard services.

Lawn Mowing Services:

  • Weekly Mowing - $35
  • Bi-weekly Mowing - $40
  • One-time Mowing - $50

Lawn Maintenance Services:

  • Edging - $15
  • Trimming - $15
  • Blowing and Debris Removal - $15
  • Complete Lawn Maintenance Package (Mowing, Edging, Trimming, and Blowing) - $70

Lawn Fertilization and Weed Control:

  • Basic Fertilization - $50
  • Premium Fertilization - $75
  • Basic Weed Control - $40
  • Premium Weed Control - $60
  • Fertilization and Weed Control Package - $100

Aeration and Over seeding:

  • Aeration - $100
  • Over seeding - $100
  • Aeration and Over seeding Package - $175

Hedge and Shrub Trimming:

  • Small Hedges/Shrubs (up to 3 ft) - $15 per shrub
  • Medium Hedges/Shrubs (3-6 ft) - $25 per shrub
  • Large Hedges/Shrubs (over 6 ft) - $35 per shrub

Spring and Fall Cleanup:

  • Basic Cleanup (raking leaves, trimming perennials, etc.) - $150
  • Premium Cleanup (includes basic services plus mulching, pruning, etc.) - $250

Mulch Installation:

  • Mulch (price per cubic yard, not including installation) - $40
  • Mulch Installation (price per cubic yard) - $60

Gutter Cleaning:

  • Single-story House - $100
  • Two-story House - $150

Pressure Washing:

  • Driveway and Walkways - $100
  • Patio or Deck - $150
  • Siding - $200

Tips for Determining Your Rates

Assess Your Costs

Before you set your rates, it's crucial to understand your costs, including labor, equipment, fuel, and other expenses. This will help ensure you're charging enough to cover your expenses and make a profit.

Research the Local Market

Investigate what your competitors are charging in your area. This can give you a better idea of what the market will bear and help you set competitive rates that won't price you out of the market. Adjusted your pricing as needed to stay competitive and profitable.

Pricing Chart for Lawn Care using a trim mower

Evaluate Your Unique Value Proposition

Consider what sets your lawn care business apart from the competition. Do you offer an exceptional customer experience, unique expertise, or additional solutions that others don't? These factors can justify charging a premium. Use technology such as field service software to impress your clients.
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Upselling and Additional Services

Look for opportunities to upsell clients on additional services or enhancements to their existing package. This can increase your revenue and provide clients with a more comprehensive lawn care solution.

Consider offering additional services such as snow plowing. Utilize tools such as snow removal software to track these services.

Offering Discounts and Promotions

Strategically offering discounts and promotions can help attract new clients and encourage loyalty among existing customers. For example, you could offer a discount for new clients or provide a referral bonus for clients who bring in new business.

Adjusting Your Rates Over Time

As your business grows and evolves, it's essential to regularly reassess your rates. Consider factors like inflation, increased costs, and changing market conditions when adjusting your pricing strategy.

Communicating Your Rates to Customers

Be transparent and clear when communicating your rates to clients. Provide detailed estimates and invoices, and be prepared to explain your pricing structure if necessary. This can help build trust and reduce misunderstandings.


Determining how much to charge for lawn care services can be a complex process, but with careful consideration of the factors affecting pricing and a strategic approach, you can set rates that are fair to both you and your clients. Remember to regularly reassess your pricing strategy and adjust it as needed to stay competitive and profitable in the ever-changing lawn care industry.


  1. How do I determine the best pricing strategy for my lawn care business? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. The best pricing strategy for your business will depend on factors such as your location, target clientele, and the services you offer. Research your local market, assess your costs, and evaluate your unique value proposition to help inform your pricing strategy.

  2. Should I offer package deals for my lawn care services? Package deals can be an effective way to entice clients to purchase multiple services at once, potentially increasing your revenue. Consider creating tiered service packages with varying levels of service and pricing to cater to different client needs and budgets.

  3. How often should I adjust my lawn care service rates? It's essential to regularly reassess your rates, but there is no specific timeline for doing so. Generally, you should review your pricing strategy at least annually or whenever there are significant changes in your costs, the local market, or your business's offerings.

  4. Is it better to charge a flat rate or an hourly rate for lawn care services? Both strategies have their pros and cons, but the best choice depends on your specific services and clientele. You may also consider using a hybrid approach that combines elements of both.

  5. Is it better to charge a flat rate or an hourly rate for lawn care services? Identify complementary services that your clients may need and educate them on the benefits of these services. You can also offer package deals or special promotions to encourage clients to try new services.