How to Price a Roofing Job

December 16, 2022
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Every successful roofing job begins with a well-prepared bid. If you're new to the roofing business or seeking to improve your bidding strategy, this comprehensive guide is for you. But what is a roofing bid? Think of it as your sales pitch to prospective clients, where you showcase your expertise, provide a detailed cost estimate, and ultimately, secure the job.

Introduction to Pricing Roofing Bid

Learning how to effective price roofing bids and estimates can mean the difference between success and failure for contractors. Unfortunately, Roofing Contractor magazine has found that an alarming 90% of roofers are losing out due to inaccurate or low estimates!

Taking the time to hone your job bidding skills could be greatly beneficial in increasing margins. Look into new methods such as changing how you measure roofs or cost estimation techniques which more accurately portray real costs incurred.

How to Bid a Roofing Job

Steps on Sizing and How to Price a Roofing Job

  • Measure the size of the roof: Use a measuring tape or a laser measure to determine the square footage of the roof. This will help you determine the amount of material you will need.
  • Determine the pitch of the roof: The pitch of the roof is the measure of the slope, or steepness, of the roof. A steeply pitched roof will require more labor to install, so it will cost more. Pitch of Roof

    Roof Pitch in degrees = (1 ÷ (b ÷ a)) x (180 ÷ π)

  • Evaluate the condition of the roof: Inspect the roof to determine the extent of any repairs or replacements that will be needed. If the roof is in good condition and only needs minor repairs, the cost will be lower. However, if the roof is in poor condition and requires extensive repairs or a complete tear-off and replacement, the cost will be higher.
  • Determine the type and cost of materials: Determine the type of roofing material you will be using and the cost per square foot. Asphalt shingles are the most common and generally the most affordable option, while metal roofing is more expensive.
  • Calculate labor costs: Consider the number of workers you will need and the amount of time the job will take. Determine your hourly rate for each worker and multiply it by the number of hours the job is expected to take.
  • Add up all costs: Add the cost of materials and labor to get the total cost of the job. You will want to add a profit margin to cover your overhead and other business expenses, especially while learning how to estimate a roofing job.

Crafting a Winning Roofing Bid

The journey of bidding on a roofing job doesn't end at calculating costs; it takes an additional step - crafting the bid into a proposal that stands out. Just like a well-designed storefront can lure customers into a shop, a well-crafted bid can win you contracts. Here's how you can create a winning and strong pricing roofing bid:

Just starting? Try our free Roofing Bid Template

Writing the Proposal

Your proposal is the heart of your roofing bid. It's the document that tells the client what they can expect from you. Start by outlining the scope of the project. Detail the work to be done, materials to be used, the projected timeline, and the total cost. Review our cost guide for roof repair.

Just as a map guides a traveler, this part of your bid guides your client through the project. Be as detailed as possible and use easy-to-understand language. Avoid industry jargon unless necessary; remember, your client might not be a roofing expert.

Next, include your company's background. This could include your experience, certifications, past projects, and customer testimonials. Think of this as your 'selling point'. You're not just selling your services, but your reputation and reliability.

Finally, state your terms and conditions, including payment terms, warranties, and potential cost variations. Clearly defined terms can prevent misunderstandings down the line. It's like setting rules for a game – everyone knows what to expect and play accordingly.

Presentation of the Bid

Presentation is everything. It's not just about what you say, but how you say it. So, how can you make your bid look as professional as possible? Start with a well-organized layout. Break down your proposal into clear sections. Use bullet points or tables for cost breakdowns for easy reading.

Use your company's logo and colors for a professional look and feel. Incorporate a letterhead with your company's name and contact information. A well-presented proposal not only looks good but also boosts your brand's identity.

Consider the format of your bid as well. While a printed proposal has a traditional charm, a digital bid can be more practical and convenient for both you and your client. Plus, it's environmentally friendly!

Negotiating the Bid

Chances are, your initial bid won't be the final agreement. Clients may negotiate for lower prices or different terms. Be prepared for this. It's not about winning or losing, but finding a middle ground that's fair to both parties.

Know your bottom line. Be clear on what you can and can't compromise on. And remember, every negotiation is a learning opportunity. It helps you refine your bidding skills and better understand your clients needs.

In conclusion, crafting a winning roofing bid requires a blend of accuracy, professionalism, and negotiation skills. By putting effort into writing and presenting your proposal, you increase your chances of securing the contract, strengthening your reputation, and growing your business.

Roofer With Hammer

Tips to Stand Out in Roofing Bids

In a sea of roofing contractors bidding for the same job, standing out can be a challenge. But with a sprinkle of creativity, a dash of uniqueness, and a good understanding of your client's needs, you can create a bid that outshines the competition. Here's how:

Highlight Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Every business has a USP – a feature or characteristic that sets it apart from others. Your USP might be your extensive experience, your specialty in a particular type of roofing, or even your commitment to sustainability. Whatever it is, make sure it's prominently highlighted in your bid. It's like being at a talent show – your USP is your special talent that impresses the judges!

Offer Exceptional Warranty Terms

Warranties can significantly influence a client's decision. Offering robust warranty terms not only demonstrates your confidence in your work but also provides your clients with peace of mind. It's like a safety net – it assures your clients that they're covered should anything go wrong.

Showcase Your Previous Work and Testimonials

Nothing speaks louder than a track record of success. Include pictures of your previous projects, especially those that are similar to the one you're bidding for. Additionally, share testimonials from happy clients. This provides tangible proof of your abilities and the quality of your work.

Emphasize Your Commitment to Safety

Roofing jobs come with their fair share of risks. Emphasizing your commitment to safety can make a huge difference in your bid. Highlight your safety certifications, training programs, and adherence to safety regulations. It's like showing that you not only build roofs but also ensure the safety of your team and the homeowner.

Be Responsive and Professional

From the moment you submit your bid, ensure you're responsive to your potential client's inquiries or concerns. Professionalism goes beyond your written proposal. It extends to how you communicate and engage with your clients, showing them that you're reliable and easy to work with.

In essence, standing out when pricing roofing bid requires more than just a competitive price. It's about leveraging your unique strengths, showcasing your previous work, providing robust warranties, prioritizing safety, and being professional. With these tips, your bid can truly shine, increasing your chances of landing the roofing job.

Review our guide to expand a roofing company

Get More Roofing Jobs with Smarter Pricing and Bids

It is a good idea to get quotes from multiple suppliers for materials to ensure you are getting the best price. You should also consider the level of experience and reputation of your workers when determining your hourly rate. Finally, be sure to communicate clearly with the customer about the scope of the work and the total cost of the job before beginning any work after you've learned how to estimate a roofing job.

Stop fighting for the lowest bid by using your estimate to clearly show off your value and build a profitable business. With software for roofers, you'll be able to master every stage of estimating and submitting bids so that success keeps coming in as time goes on.

If you are just starting, review our roofing business guide for beginners


Bidding a roofing job involves more than just quoting a price. It's about understanding the job, accurately estimating costs, and presenting a professional and persuasive bid. With careful planning and execution, you can master the art of roofing bids and take your business to new heights.